Licensed Psychologist & Certified Imago Relationship Therapist * Boulder, Colorado and San Diego Locations

  • “We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.”

    ― Tom Robbins

  • Relationships are challenging!

    We begin in the Romantic Love Stage, filled with high hopes and expectations.

    But even the best relationships will move into the Power Struggle, where we find ourselves repeating patterns that challenge us to our core.

    Imago Relationship Therapy can help.

    Learn How
  • Learn simple tools to improve your relationship

    • Improve your communication skills
    • Identify your “core issues”
    • Restore Passion, Intimacy, and Joy
    • Discover the path to emotional healing and spiritual growth through relationship.
    Let's Get Started



I’m Ben Cohen, Ph.D., and my passion is helping individuals and couples have the thriving life and relationships they desire!

I’m a Licensed Psychologist and Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, and I meet with clients both online (California and Colorado) and in person, with offices in both Encinitas and Carlsbad (San Diego area).   Ask about 2-day, private Marriage Intensives! (offered online via Zoom, or in-person in the Carlsbad/San Diego area)                                                                                                                                

Next In-person Boulder, CO “Getting the Love You Want” Couples Workshops:              June 21-22, 2025;    October 18-19, 2025

How Can I help?

Are you struggling in your marriage/relationship?

Does it seem impossible to communicate without getting into arguments?

Do the same issues come up over and over again, without resolution?

If so, you are not alone…

Hi.  My name is Ben Cohen, and I am here to help you have the relationship and life you deserve!  Using the “Imago Relationship Therapy” approach, I will coach you to reduce the negativity (blame, criticism, withdrawal) that can be so destructive, and to replace it with positive and effective means of communication and asking for what you need.  My approach is both structured and flexible, providing you with the skills that all couples need while paying attention to your unique personalities and needs.

Some common concerns that couples present are:

  • “We can’t resolve conflicts”

  • “I don’t feel important, like a priority”

  • “I don’t feel listened to”

  • “I feel like whatever I do, it’s never enough”

  • “They are always critical and demanding”

  • “They are always shut down/withdrawn”

  • “I feel unsafe when my partner gets angry”

With effective communication skills and guidance, I will help you to:

  • Have the love and connection that you truly desire

  • Effectively manage differences and resolve even longstanding conflicts

  • Feel an increased sense of safety, trust, and mutual support

  • Re-ignite the passion, joy, and closeness you may have lost

  • Feel mutually seen, heard, appreciated and valued

  • Heal from affairs or other breaches of trust and safety

  • Discuss differences in sexual desire and improve communication regarding sex and intimacy.

  • Feel fully alive, and accepted for who you are!

These are just a few examples of couples’ concerns.  Whatever the specific issues are that you need to address, we will work with those using the “Imago Dialogue” method—a simple 3-step process that will radically transform how you communicate with each other, and help you move from conflict to connection.

I typically meet with couples for 90 minute sessions, and will often make suggestions for between-session work.  This allows us to make the most effective use of our time together, and to get you on the path toward healing and connection.

Please email me at [email protected], or call to schedule a time to meet.

I hope I can be of help!



What if we are considering separation/divorce?

If one or both of you are seriously considering separation or divorce, and you are trying to decide what direction to go before committing to couples counseling, I would recommend that we do short-term “Discernment Counseling” which is designed to help get clarity about this decision.  For more information, click here.

What if I’m Single?

If you are single or recently divorced, we will explore your patterns in relationship, and explore how to have more satisfying relationships with your-Self, and others.

Workshops, Therapy and Counseling Services

Boulder-Couples-Counseling-WorkshopsWorkshops for Couples
Re-energize and re-vitalize your relationship! Learn the most effective ways to end power struggles, and enhance and enrich your relationship. This weekend will forever change the way you look at yourself, your partner, and your relationship. Learn more.

Boulder-Marriage-CounselingPrivate Couples Counseling
Learn the skills necessary to communicate effectively, and resolve even longstanding conflicts with ease.  Restore the passion, intimacy, and joy that brought you together at the start. Deepen your connection, intimacy, and commitment.   Learn more.

Boulder-Individual-TherapyIndividual Counseling
Personal work to have a better relationship with your-self, and others. Mindfulness approach to healing anxiety and depression; personal and spiritual growth work; experiential work to explore your inner “Selves”; preparation for committed partnership. Learn more.

imago-therapist-trainingImago Certification Training for Therapists
In-depth training to help you become a competent, and confident marriage/couples counselor. Certification allows you to join a vast network of dedicated therapists and resources such as Advanced Training, Supervision, and Conferences. Learn more.